Final Version, to put it to rest

Its time to post the final version of the game. The one that will stay.

I've made most of these updates long ago, never posted them here tho, the project was stationary for months, elements of the team left, but now its the time to actually do a final update, because i believe that these changes did in fact help a lot to make the game itself more playable, and the editor got miles better.

I'm not even sure about everything i changed, I could check when it was uploaded and compare, but i have a tiny idea,  so here it goes:

  •  you can deselect a soul by just clicking anywhere on the screen.
  • enemies have an aggro radius
  • The editor got a lot of features, can actually edit older levels now, can make levels up to 10*10 tiles and as small as 4*4.

That's it, thanks for playing, and I'll keep working on different projects!

Get Thief's Soul

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